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The 2025 festival will run from Monday 10 to Friday 21 March.  Closing date for entry is 30 November 2024.


The 2025 Syllabus can be viewed here. 

Heartfelt thanks to our 2024 sponsors Norwich Freeman’s Charity, Assembly House Trust, Norfolk Community Foundation’s Love Norfolk Fund, Michael Badminton Trust for Young Musicians, Molten Music Technology and Anguishes Educational Foundation.  We couldn’t have done what we did without you.


“Thank goodness we have music…  those of you reading this will be doing so as you will have some connection with the Norfolk Festival of which I have the honour of being President.  That means music is part of your life.  In these difficult times it is so important to wake up not to ‘yet another’ day but to a day where we can again experience the things in life that have the capacity to lift us… the beauty of colours, of the sky, of art and especially of music.  So, don’t let a day go by without playing some tunes, working on some technique, and, if you can, playing with others” – Paul Harris, NCMF President.


With special thanks as always to everyone involved, to the performers, teachers, adjudicators, supporters and of course the volunteers who make the event run so smoothly.