Frequently asked questions

Here are a selection of questions and answers that should help you with your festival booking, performances, timings and other information relating to the festival.

If you have any other queries please contact us

Who can enter the Festival?

Any amateur musician or singer – someone who does not earn their living from making music/ singing.

How do I book?

To book yourself or students into the Festival please use our online booking system or contact:

Can I change my time and/or class?

If there are serious reasons why you cannot perform at the time indicated then tell us immediately and we may be able to offer an alternative. We are sorry but last minute changes and changes on the day cannot be accommodated.

How do you decide on timings and programming?

Once the festival is finished, we book our venues and adjudicators for the next year to make sure we have them in place. But we don’t, at this stage, know precise details of how many entrants we will receive for each class.
This sometimes means we struggle to fit everyone into the venue and time allocated. If venue and timing looks a little peculiar on occasion, it’s because we’ve taken travel times and the number of classes an individual or school has entered into account. We are aware that schools have to book coaches and extra staff and we do try to minimise the extra costs etc. by programming all their entries on the same day. Unfortunately, this may not always be possible.

Should I bring a copy of music with me?

Yes. Copies of all performance material MUST be provided for the adjudicator. Photocopies are acceptable, providing they are destroyed immediately after the performance. Please give the photocopies of your music to the Steward when you arrive at the venue.

When should I arrive?

All classes begin promptly at the start of each morning, afternoon and evening session. After that it is difficult to be precise although we do try to give some indication in the Programme. Sometimes people fail to turn up due to illness and at other times we may overrun if the adjudicator gets carried away!

You may find that we run several classes together if there are not many entries, to make sure that you have an audience. It is best to err on the safe side and to arrive in plenty of time so that you are relaxed and can get the “feel” of the Festival before it is your turn to perform.

What do I need to do on arrival?

Make yourself known to the Festival door steward and complete the MUSIC FORM which gives details of your name, class and the title of the music you will be performing. 

Hand an extra copy of the music to the steward for the adjudicator. Photocopies may be used but they will be destroyed at the end of the class. Original copies for adjudicators use will be returned at the end of the class.

What should I wear?

This is a public performance and you are on show so appearance does matter. However, make sure that you feel comfortable and can breathe easily. Footwear is important if you stand to perform.

Do I have to bring a music stand?

We have plenty of stands available at the venues but if you bring a very large instrumental group it may be prudent to bring a few extra. There is a special conductor’s stand for choir, band and orchestral performances.

Are there warm up facilities?

In some of the venues we use this may be possible, but unfortunately this cannot be guaranteed.

Who is in charge?

Festival Stewards will be available to ensure each class runs smoothly. Please feel free to approach any of them if you need help and advice.

What do I do if I find a mistake in the programme?

It is your responsibility to provide us with accurate details for performers. Please tell us immediately if you see a mistake in the spelling of your name in the Festival Programme so that we can print the correct award certificate.

Audience Entry Fee on day of Festival

There is a charge to be in the audience and watch any session at the Festival. This includes a free Day Programme which gives information for the day’s classes.