Norfolk County Music Festival supports people of all ages who want to learn how to perform music. 

We are a registered charity (1081411) that benefits people in the following ways:
Raises expectations of children – Provides expanded horizons and life chances
Mental health and wellbeing – Being musical and creative is good for us
Improves standards of teaching – Ensures Norfolk’s children don’t get left behind

     Performing at the festival helps to build skills that are important for life:

Performing as part of a group, choir or orchestra improves communication and team-working skills. The             Festival provides an educational environment as feedback is given to performers on how to improve their music making or singing. The atmosphere we aim for is encouraging and supportive, rather than competitive.  Results of our annual survey show that 98% of people feel the Festival improves confidence and they would recommend the Festival to family and friends.  
We hope that you will try the Festival and see for yourself!

What people say about the Festival –

“We have children who experience difficulties in learning. Singing in the choir has given them the confidence they lack”
“Seeing my students return to lessons and we’re all filled with extra enthusiasm. They loved the event”
“One of the greatest joys is seeing pupils and families with no musical background massively boosted by the experience”